Elvis Presley - Classic Billboard Hits - Top 20 Hits 1956-1958 - 1LP 180gramm VINYL-LP - WaxTime Records

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Artikelnummer: 80118914

Die 180g LP LP stellt 20 Billboard-Hits von Elvis Presley aus den Jahren 1956–1958 zusammen,
beginnend mit seinem ersten durchgängigen Chart-Hit „Heartbreak Hotel“.
Diese Aufnahmen gelten weithin als das beste Werk seiner Karriere und gehören zu den größten Aufnahmen in der Rock'n'Roll-Geschichte!

  • Heartbreak Hotel (Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #5)
  • I Was The One (Pop #19)
  • Blue Suede Shoes (Pop #20)
  • I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #10)
  • Don’t Be Cruel (Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #1)
  • Hound Dog Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #1)
  • Anyway You Want Me (That’s How I Will Be) (Pop #20)
  • Love Me Tender (Pop #1; Country #3; R&B #4)
  • Love Me (Pop #2; Country #10)
  • When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (Pop #19)
  • Too Much (Pop #1; Country 3; R&B #7)
  • All Shook Up (Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #1)
  • (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #1)
  • I Beg Of You (Pop #8; Country #4; R&B #4)
  • One Night (Pop #4; R&B #10)
  • Loving You (Pop #20; Country #15)
  • Jailhouse Rock (Pop #1; Country #1; R&B #1)
  • Treat Me Nice (Pop #18; Country #11)
  • Don’t (Pop #1; Country 2; R&B #4)
  • Wear My Ring Around Your Neck (Pop #2; Country #3; R&B #7)
  • Doncha’ Think It’s Time (Pop #15)
  • Hard Headed Woman (Pop #1; Country #2; R&B #2)
  • I Got Stung (Pop #8)

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