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Kostenloser Versand ab 39,00€ Bestellwert.
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Artikelnummer: 80114437

Neuauflage (für den mittlerweile längst vergriffenen) Original-Soundtracks zu Staffel 5 Episode 10 der erfolgreichen TV-Show Xena: Warrior Princess.

Xena: Warrior Princess - Lyre, Lyre Hearts On Fire liefert Songs aus einer von Xenas musikalischen Episoden,
darunter Lucy Lawless' Versionen von People Got to be Free, Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves, Always Something There To Remind Me und War.

Ein Muss für Hardcore Warrior Princess-Fans.

  • Throwing Kisses
  • People Got To Be Free (Lawless, Lucy; Wood, Susan; Raimi, Ted; Waters, Gillian Iliana)
  • There's Always Something There To Remind Me (Laga'aia, Jay)
  • Xena Rap
  • At Long Last Lyre
  • War (Lawless, Lucy; Wood, Susan; Raimi, Ted; Waters, Gillian Iliana)
  • We Can Work It Out (Lawless, Lucy; O'Connor, Renee)
  • Kick Out The Jams (Tomich, Dennis; Derminer Robert)
  • Tara's Dance
  • Xena Feeds Back
  • No Talent To Find
  • Gettin' Ready (Lawless, Lucy; Wood, Susan; Bishop, Tony; Bridger, Grant )
  • Dancin' In The Moonlight (Raimi, Ted)
  • Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves (Lawless, Lucy; Waters, Gillian Iliana)
  • Gettin' Ready (Lawless, Lucy; Wood, Susan; Bishop, Tony; Bridger, Grant )
  • Spurned

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